
We try to provide as precise information as possible in the project, but it is not necessarily complete, up to date and accurate. The authors assume no responsibility for the accuracy and quality of the published content (text, historical information, photos, videos, audio clips, etc.) in the “miniTrips” project, social network profiles and other related or unrelated pages. The published opinion is not necessarily true, accurate and consistent with the views of the authors.

Pages contain links to external sources. The authors are not responsible for the content they contain and do not control the content.

If you believe that information on pages or social networking profiles is incorrect or affect the interests of you or your company in a bad way, please contact the project developers by e-mail. We will try to solve the whole situation easily, quickly and peacefully.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy provides information what data is collected from readers of this project who visit the project’s main and / or other pages.

In order to improve the site and its content and in order to know what visitors are visiting our website, we have added Google Analytics tools that allow you to capture and analyze the data usage of the project. You can find out what data is collected on the official Google Analytics page: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=lt

To prevent Google Analytics from tracking your visits to our and other web project, you can install the official Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/181881

Our website also uses Google cookies, which are used to get the generic user information. You can learn more about cookies, their management and deletion here – www.allaboutcookies.org

The project does not collect any other data – it is not possible to comment or transfer personal information to our website by another way.